• Delta


  • Gamma


  • Theta


  • Vega


  • Rho


  • Volatility


Premium Paid

Max Profit

Max Loss

Profit Index

Probability of Profit

Break Even Prices

Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

What is Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly?

Defining Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

The Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly (ICBWB) strategy is an advanced options trading technique designed for experienced traders. This strategy combines a bearish outlook with a desire to limit downside risk. It involves using three call options with different strike prices but the same expiration date. The structure typically includes buying one in-the-money call, selling two at-the-money calls, and buying one out-of-the-money call. This creates an asymmetrical payoff profile, which is where the strategy gets its "broken wing" moniker.

Historically, the Broken Wing Butterfly, including its inverse variation, evolved from the basic Butterfly Spread. It was developed to provide a solution for traders who sought to minimize risk and required less capital upfront compared to more traditional strategies. The ICBWB strategy is unique in its ability to generate profits in a declining market, with reduced risk, unlike the classic Butterfly Spread that targets a neutral market stance.

In comparison to traditional options strategies like the Long Call or Put, the ICBWB strategy stands out due to its lower risk and potential profitability in a bearish market scenario. It differs from a symmetrical Butterfly Spread by eliminating the upside risk, making it an attractive strategy for traders who anticipate a moderate downward movement in the underlying asset's price.

Key Characteristics and Conditions

The ICBWB strategy is characterized by its limited risk and potential profitability in specific market conditions. Its asymmetrical structure means that the trader can potentially benefit from a significant drop in the underlying asset's price while limiting the downside risk. The risk is confined to the difference between the strike prices of the first two call options minus the net premium received.

This strategy is particularly suitable in market conditions where a mild to moderate decline in the underlying asset's price is anticipated. It thrives in environments with low to moderate volatility, as excessive volatility can increase the cost of the long call options, thus impacting the overall profitability of the strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly is an advanced strategy for a bearish market outlook with limited downside risk.
  • It involves an asymmetrical payoff profile, differentiating it from traditional options strategies.
  • Ideal in conditions anticipating a mild to moderate decline in the underlying asset's price.
  • Lower risk and potential profitability in specific market scenarios, with an emphasis on low to moderate volatility.

Steps for Trading Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Preparing for Trade

Prior to engaging in the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, traders must undertake meticulous preparation. This begins with selecting a trading platform that offers comprehensive options trading features, including detailed option chain data, real-time market updates, and analytical tools. A profound understanding of the option chain is imperative, as it provides critical information regarding strike prices, expiration dates, and premium costs.

Conducting thorough market research is essential to gauge the potential movements of the stock in question. This includes analyzing the company's financial health, recent news, market sentiment, and technical analysis indicators. Such research helps in identifying stocks that are expected to experience a mild to moderate decline, making them ideal candidates for this strategy.

Selecting the Right Options

Choosing the appropriate options is a crucial step in the ICBWB strategy. The trader must select three call options with varying strike prices but the same expiration date. The key is to buy one in-the-money call option, sell two at-the-money call options, and buy one out-of-the-money call option. The selection of these options should align with the trader's bearish outlook and the anticipated degree of price movement in the underlying asset.

The expiration date of the options is also a significant consideration. Typically, a short to medium-term expiration date is chosen to balance between the time for the expected price movement and the impact of time decay on the options.

Order Placement and Execution

The execution of the ICBWB strategy requires careful timing and a deep understanding of market signals. Traders should closely monitor the market and choose an opportune moment to enter the trade, based on their analysis. Consideration of factors like market volatility, upcoming events that could impact the stock, and overall market sentiment is crucial.

Additionally, traders should be well-versed in different order types and their implications. Limit orders, for example, can help manage costs by setting a maximum price for the purchase of options. The strategic placement of orders, with an understanding of the right time to enter and exit the trade, is vital for the success of the ICBWB strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Thorough preparation, including platform selection and market research, is crucial for the ICBWB strategy.
  • Selecting the right options involves choosing three call options with varying strike prices, aligning with a bearish market prediction.
  • Timing the trade and understanding market signals are key, along with a knowledge of different order types and their strategic use.

Goal and Financial Objectives of Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Financial Objectives and Strategic Goals

The primary financial objective of employing the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy is to achieve profit in a market that is expected to decline moderately. This strategy is particularly favored by traders who predict a bearish movement in the underlying asset but want to limit their downside risk. It's an approach that allows for capitalizing on specific market conditions with a predefined risk level.

Compared to other trading strategies, the ICBWB offers a unique blend of lower risk and potential profitability in declining markets. Unlike aggressive bearish strategies that expose traders to significant risks, the ICBWB strategy limits the potential loss to a known amount. This makes it an attractive strategy for traders who seek to profit from expected downturns without the risk exposure associated with short selling or purchasing put options outright.

Breakeven Analysis and Profitability

The breakeven point for an ICBWB strategy is not as straightforward as it is for simpler strategies like a Long Call. It involves calculating the point at which the losses from the sold at-the-money calls are offset by the gains from the in-the-money call, considering the premium paid for the out-of-the-money call. The profitability of this strategy is maximized when the stock price declines to the strike price of the at-the-money calls sold.

This strategy’s profitability is shaped by the initial setup of the option strikes and the premiums involved. The maximum profit is usually achieved when the underlying asset's price falls to the strike price of the short calls. However, if the stock price falls below the lower strike price, the strategy begins to lose money, but this loss is capped.

Key Takeaways:

  • The ICBWB strategy is designed for profit in moderately declining markets with limited downside risk.
  • It offers a unique advantage of lower risk compared to more aggressive bearish strategies.
  • Breakeven and profitability depend on the strike price alignment and the premium paid for the options.
  • The strategy's maximum profit occurs when the stock price matches the strike price of the sold at-the-money calls, with a capped maximum loss.

Effect of Time on Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Time Decay and Strategy Performance

Time decay, or theta, plays a significant role in the performance of the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy. This concept refers to the gradual reduction in the value of an option as it nears its expiration date. In the ICBWB strategy, time decay can impact each of the three call options differently, making it a crucial factor to consider.

For the sold at-the-money calls, time decay can be beneficial, as the value of these options decreases over time, potentially leading to a profit if they expire worthless. However, for the bought in-the-money and out-of-the-money calls, time decay represents a risk, as it erodes their value. This dual effect necessitates a strategic approach to selecting expiration dates, balancing the accelerated time decay of shorter-dated options against the greater control and flexibility provided by longer-dated options.

Strategies to Counter Time Decay

To mitigate the effects of time decay in the ICBWB strategy, traders can employ several tactics. One approach is to enter into the positions closer to the expiration date when the impact of time decay on the bought options is less pronounced. However, this requires precise market timing and increases the risk if the underlying asset's price moves unfavorably.

Another strategy involves actively managing the positions, such as adjusting or closing the trade based on market movements and time decay impacts. This can involve rolling out the positions to a further expiration date if the trader remains bearish on the underlying asset but needs more time for the anticipated price movement to materialize.

Key Takeaways:

  • Time decay significantly influences the performance of the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, impacting each call option differently.
  • Beneficial for sold at-the-money calls but detrimental for bought in-the-money and out-of-the-money calls.
  • Selecting appropriate expiration dates and active position management are key strategies to counter the effects of time decay.

Volatility and Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Navigating and Capitalizing on Volatility

Volatility is a pivotal factor in the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, as it can considerably influence the strategy's risk and return dynamics. Volatility refers to the extent of variation in the price of the underlying asset over time. High volatility increases the value of options, as the likelihood of significant price movements is greater. This can be advantageous for the ICBWB strategy, particularly for the bought in-the-money and out-of-the-money calls.

However, high volatility can also inflate the premiums of the options, making the initial setup of the strategy more expensive. This necessitates a careful analysis of the market's volatility conditions before implementing the ICBWB strategy. Traders should ideally implement this strategy in conditions of low to moderate volatility, where the premiums are more reasonable, and the expected price movement of the underlying asset is more predictable.

Strategies for Navigating Volatility

To effectively manage volatility in the ICBWB strategy, traders can adopt various approaches. One strategy is to monitor the market for indicators of impending volatility changes, such as economic reports or company announcements, and adjust their positions accordingly.

Another tactic is to select strike prices that provide a balance between risk and potential return, given the current volatility levels. This might involve choosing strike prices that are further out-of-the-money in times of high volatility to reduce the cost of the strategy, or closer to the current price in lower volatility situations to maximize profit potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • Volatility plays a crucial role in the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, affecting both the cost of options and potential returns.
  • High volatility can increase the value of the bought calls but also makes the strategy more expensive to set up.
  • Effective strategies include monitoring market conditions for volatility changes and selecting strike prices based on current volatility levels.

The Greeks: Risk, Theta, Delta, Vega, Gamma, Rho in Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Understanding the "Greeks" is crucial in the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, as they provide insights into the risks and behaviors of the options involved. These metrics are essential for informed decision-making and effective management of the strategy.


Delta measures the sensitivity of an option's price to a $1 change in the underlying asset. In the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, delta helps assess how the price of each call option is likely to move relative to the stock price. The sold at-the-money calls typically have a higher delta compared to the bought in-the-money and out-of-the-money calls.


Gamma indicates the rate of change in delta and is particularly important for understanding the risks associated with the at-the-money calls sold in the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy. High gamma suggests that the delta of these options could change rapidly, impacting the strategy’s exposure to directional risk.


Representing time decay, theta is a critical factor for all options in the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly setup. This strategy usually involves a negative theta for the bought calls, indicating a loss in value over time, which needs to be managed carefully.


Vega measures sensitivity to volatility. In the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, a positive vega on the bought calls suggests that an increase in volatility could enhance their value, potentially benefiting the strategy. However, this also means that high volatility could increase the cost of setting up the strategy.


Rho, which indicates sensitivity to interest rate changes, is typically less influential in the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy compared to the other Greeks. However, it can still have an impact, especially for longer-dated options.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Greeks play a vital role in understanding and managing the ICBWB strategy.
  • Delta and gamma are important for assessing directional risk, especially for the sold at-the-money calls.
  • Theta (time decay) impacts the value of the bought calls and needs to be managed strategically.
  • Vega's influence on the strategy is significant in terms of volatility sensitivity, especially for the bought calls.
  • Rho, while less critical, can affect longer-dated options in the strategy.

Pros and Cons of Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Advantages of the Strategy

The Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy offers several distinct advantages for options traders:

  • Defined Risk: One of the key benefits is the defined risk associated with the strategy. The maximum potential loss is known and limited, which is appealing for risk-averse traders.
  • Profitability in Bearish Markets: This strategy can be profitable in bearish market conditions, providing traders an opportunity to capitalize on downward movements of the underlying asset.
  • Reduced Cost of Entry: Compared to some other bearish strategies, the ICBWB often requires a lower initial investment, as the premiums received from selling the at-the-money calls can offset the cost of the long positions.
  • Flexibility: Traders have the flexibility to choose different strike prices and expiration dates, allowing for customization based on market outlook and risk tolerance.

Risks and Limitations

Despite its benefits, the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy also has its limitations:

  • Complexity: This strategy is complex and may not be suitable for novice traders. It requires a good understanding of options trading and the ability to manage multiple positions.
  • Limited Profit Potential: The profit potential is capped. Once the underlying asset's price falls to the strike price of the short calls, any further decline does not increase profits.
  • Impact of Volatility: High volatility can increase the cost of the long positions, potentially reducing overall profitability.
  • Time Decay: The value of the long positions can erode over time, particularly as the options approach expiration, which can negatively impact the strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy offers defined risk, profitability in bearish markets, reduced cost of entry, and flexibility.
  • However, it is complex, has limited profit potential, can be affected by volatility, and is susceptible to time decay.

Tips for Trading Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Practical Insights and Best Practices

To enhance the effectiveness of the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, traders should consider these best practices:

  • Comprehensive Market Analysis: Perform an in-depth analysis of the underlying asset, including market trends, company fundamentals, and sector performance. This helps in making informed decisions about strike prices and expiration dates.
  • Strategic Option Selection: Choose strike prices and expiration dates that align with your market outlook. Balancing the risks and rewards based on current market conditions is crucial.
  • Timely Entry and Exit: Timing is key in options trading. Enter trades when market conditions are most favorable for your strategy and have a clear plan for when to exit, whether for profit-taking or loss mitigation.
  • Risk Management: Allocate only a portion of your portfolio to this strategy and maintain a diversified investment profile to mitigate risks.
  • Regular Monitoring and Adjustment: Stay vigilant about market changes and be ready to adjust your positions. This might include rolling out the options or closing the position early.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

To avoid common pitfalls associated with the ICBWB strategy, traders should be aware of the following:

  • Overlooking Time Decay: Neglecting the impact of time decay, especially on the long positions, can lead to unexpected losses.
  • Misjudging Market Movements: Incorrect predictions about the direction and magnitude of market movements can significantly affect the strategy's outcome.
  • Ignoring Volatility: Failing to account for changes in volatility can lead to suboptimal option selection and timing.
  • Complexity Underestimation: Underestimating the complexity of managing multiple option positions can result in poor strategy execution.

Key Takeaways:

  • Implement the ICBWB strategy with thorough market analysis, strategic option selection, and timely trade execution.
  • Emphasize risk management and regular monitoring of positions.
  • Avoid common mistakes like overlooking time decay, misjudging market movements, ignoring volatility, and underestimating the strategy's complexity.

The Math Behind Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Formulae and Calculations Explained

The mathematics underlying the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy is pivotal for its successful implementation. Key calculations involve the pricing of options, determining the breakeven points, and understanding profit and loss potentials.

  • Option Premium: This is the price paid for buying the options and received for selling them. Factors influencing the premium include the underlying stock's price, strike price, time to expiration, implied volatility, and interest rates.
  • Breakeven Points: The strategy typically has two breakeven points. The first is calculated by adding the net debit incurred (if any) to the strike price of the lowest bought call. The second breakeven point is determined by the strike price of the highest sold call minus any net credit received.
  • Profit and Loss Calculations:
    • Profit: Maximum profit is realized when the price of the underlying asset falls to the strike price of the at-the-money calls sold. The profit is the difference between the strike prices of the long and short calls minus the net premium paid or plus the net premium received.
    • Loss: Maximum loss occurs if the stock price falls below the lower strike or rises above the upper strike of the calls. The loss is limited to the net debit paid or less the net credit received, plus or minus any differences in strike prices.

Calculating Option Value and Breakeven

For example, consider an ICBWB setup with a long call at $100, two short calls at $105, and another long call at $110. Assume the total premium paid is $5. The first breakeven point is $100 + $5 = $105, and the second breakeven point is $105. The maximum profit occurs if the stock price is at $105 at expiration.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the option premiums, breakeven points, and profit/loss potential is crucial in the ICBWB strategy.
  • The strategy involves intricate calculations for setting up and determining potential outcomes.
  • Breakeven points and profit/loss potential vary based on the strike prices and premiums of the options involved.

Case Study: Implementing Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly

Real-World Application and Analysis

Let's examine a real-world scenario where a trader successfully implements the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy. Consider a situation where a trader, Jane, anticipates a moderate decline in the stock price of Company XYZ, currently trading at $150. To capitalize on this expectation, Jane sets up an ICBWB position with the following options:

  • Buys an in-the-money call option with a strike price of $145.
  • Sells two at-the-money call options with strike prices of $150.
  • Buys an out-of-the-money call option with a strike price of $155.

Jane pays a net premium for this setup and expects the stock price to decline moderately, ideally to around $150, by the expiration date.

As predicted, over the next few weeks, XYZ's stock price drops to $148. Jane's sold call options at $150 expire worthless, allowing her to keep the premium, and her long position at $145 gains in value. However, her long position at $155 loses some value, but overall, Jane realizes a net profit from the setup.

Analysis of the Case Study with Unique Insights and Lessons

  • Market Analysis and Prediction: Jane's success stemmed from her accurate market analysis and prediction of the stock's price movement.
  • Strategic Option Selection: Choosing the right strike prices and balancing the premiums paid and received was key to setting up a profitable ICBWB position.
  • Risk Management: The strategy allowed Jane to limit her maximum potential loss to the net premium paid, showcasing effective risk management.
  • Timing and Flexibility: Jane's timing in setting up the strategy before the anticipated price movement and her flexibility in managing the positions played a crucial role in her success.
  • Understanding of Strategy Dynamics: Jane's deep understanding of how the ICBWB works, including the effects of time decay and volatility on her options, was essential.

Key Takeaways:

  • Successful implementation of the ICBWB strategy requires accurate market analysis, strategic option selection, and effective risk management.
  • Timing and flexibility in managing the positions are crucial.
  • A comprehensive understanding of the strategy's dynamics, including the impact of time decay and volatility, is vital for profitability.

Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly FAQs

What is an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly?

An Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly is an advanced options strategy involving three call options with different strike prices but the same expiration date. It's designed to profit from a moderate decline in the underlying asset's price while limiting downside risk.

When is the best time to use an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly?

The Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy is most effective in market conditions where a mild to moderate decline in the underlying asset's price is anticipated, ideally in a low to moderate volatility environment.

What are the risks of an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly?

The primary risk of an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly involves the potential loss of the net premium paid if the market does not move as expected. Additionally, time decay and high volatility can adversely impact the strategy.

How do I manage risk with an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy?

For an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, risk management involves careful selection of strike prices and expiration dates, monitoring market conditions, and being prepared to adjust or exit the position as needed.

Can an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy be used by beginner traders?

Due to its complexity, the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly is better suited for more experienced traders who have a good understanding of options trading dynamics.

How does time decay affect an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy?

Time decay, or theta, can erode the value of the long positions over time. For an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, it's important to consider this when choosing expiration dates and to manage the positions actively.

What role does volatility play in an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy?

Volatility affects the pricing of options. High volatility can increase the cost of the long positions but may also increase the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy's profit potential if the market moves favorably.

Is the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly a directional strategy?

Yes, the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly is a bearish strategy that benefits from a moderate decline in the underlying asset's price. It's not suitable for bullish or strongly bearish market conditions.

Can the Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy be adjusted once it's set up?

Yes, traders can adjust the positions in an Inverse Call Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, for example, by rolling the options to different strike prices or expiration dates, based on market movements.