• Delta


  • Gamma


  • Theta


  • Vega


  • Rho


  • Volatility


Premium Paid

Max Profit

Max Loss

Profit Index

Probability of Profit

Break Even Prices

Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

What is Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly?

Defining Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly is an advanced options trading strategy, primarily utilized in moderately bearish to neutral market conditions. This strategy involves the combination of three put options: buying one in-the-money (ITM) put, selling two at-the-money (ATM) puts, and buying one out-of-the-money (OTM) put. All options have the same expiration date, with differing strike prices creating an asymmetrical 'winged' spread. This unique formation is designed to capitalize on minimal market movement while controlling risk.

Historically, the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly evolved from the classic butterfly spread, adapted to suit specific market expectations and risk profiles. It differs from traditional strategies like Long Calls or Straddles by offering a skewed risk-reward ratio, favoring limited loss potential over unlimited profit potential.

Key Characteristics and Conditions

The strategy's key characteristics include its ability to profit in stagnant markets and its asymmetrical risk-reward profile. While the maximum profit is capped, typically occurring if the stock price is at or near the strike price of the sold puts at expiration, its loss potential is limited, making it a conservative strategy compared to riskier alternatives.

The Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly thrives in market conditions where slight bearish movements or sideways trends are expected. It is less suited for strongly bullish or volatile markets. This strategy can be particularly effective during periods of low volatility and minimal expected stock movement, such as before earnings announcements or in stable market sectors.

Key Takeaways:

  • Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly is an options strategy ideal for neutral to slightly bearish markets.
  • It involves buying one ITM put, selling two ATM puts, and buying one OTM put, all with the same expiration date.
  • The strategy offers limited profit potential but also minimizes risk, making it attractive for conservative traders.
  • Best used in low-volatility environments with minimal expected stock movement.

Steps for Trading Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

Preparing for Trade

Prior to executing the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, thorough preparation is essential. Selecting an appropriate trading platform is the first step, emphasizing one with robust options trading tools and detailed analytics. Understanding the option chain for the selected stock is crucial, as it provides necessary information such as strike prices, expiration dates, and premium costs.

Market research is a vital component of preparation. This should include an analysis of the stock's historical performance, current market trends, and upcoming events that might affect its price. This strategy is particularly sensitive to market stability and volatility, making an informed understanding of these factors critical.

Selecting the Right Options

The selection of the right options is pivotal in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy. The choice of strike prices for the ITM, ATM, and OTM puts should align with the trader's market outlook and risk appetite. A key consideration is the proximity of these strike prices to the current stock price and each other, as this impacts the risk-reward profile of the strategy.

The expiration date is another important consideration. The strategy typically works best with short to medium-term expirations, allowing for adequate time for the stock to move as anticipated, but not so long that time decay significantly diminishes the option values.

Order Placement and Execution

Order placement in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy requires strategic timing and a nuanced understanding of market signals. Traders should carefully monitor market conditions and execute the trade when they align with their forecasted scenario.

Setting limits and choosing the appropriate order types are crucial. Limit orders can help control costs and manage risk effectively. Traders should be adept in various order types and their strategic application in different market scenarios.

Key Takeaways:

  • Preparation for the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly involves selecting a capable trading platform and in-depth market research.
  • Choosing the right options is crucial, focusing on the appropriate strike prices and expiration dates to match market predictions.
  • Strategic timing for order placement is essential, with a focus on market conditions, limit setting, and the use of appropriate order types.

Goal and Financial Objectives of Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

Financial Objectives and Strategic Goals

The primary financial objective of the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy is to achieve a profit in a market that is either slightly bearish or stagnant. This strategy is particularly appealing for conservative investors who prefer to limit their downside risk while still engaging in options trading. It's a strategy that is chosen for its ability to capitalize on small market movements, rather than seeking large profits from significant stock price shifts.

Compared to other trading strategies, the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly is less capital intensive and offers a more controlled risk profile. For instance, unlike strategies that rely on strong market movements, such as Long Calls, this strategy can turn a profit even in relatively flat market conditions.

Breakeven Analysis and Profitability

Calculating the breakeven point for the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly can be more complex than for simpler strategies due to its asymmetrical structure. Generally, the breakeven points are located near the strike prices of the bought puts. The exact points depend on the premiums paid and received for the options involved.

In terms of profitability, the strategy's potential returns are usually lower compared to more aggressive strategies. However, its appeal lies in the controlled risk and the ability to profit in a market with minimal movement. The maximum profit is achieved if the stock price is at or near the strike price of the sold ATM puts at expiration.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly aims to profit in neutral to slightly bearish markets with limited downside risk.
  • It is a less capital-intensive strategy compared to those requiring significant market movements.
  • Breakeven points are generally near the strike prices of the bought puts, with maximum profit occurring when the stock price is at the strike price of the sold ATM puts at expiration.
  • This strategy is favored for its controlled risk profile and suitability in stagnant market conditions.

Effect of Time on Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

Time Decay and Strategy Performance

Time decay, or theta, is a significant factor in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy. This concept refers to the reduction in the value of an option as it gets closer to its expiration date. The impact of time decay is particularly notable in this strategy due to its multi-leg nature involving options with the same expiration date.

As the expiration date nears, the value of the short ATM puts generally decreases faster than that of the long ITM and OTM puts, assuming no significant change in the stock price. This can be beneficial to the strategy. However, if the stock moves significantly away from the strike prices of the short puts, the strategy can quickly turn unprofitable due to the imbalance created by the asymmetrical structure.

Strategies to Counter Time Decay

To mitigate the effects of time decay, traders might choose options with shorter expiration dates for the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly. This reduces the time for the stock to move away from the favorable price range but also limits the time exposure to decay.

Active management of the position is another key strategy. Traders may adjust their positions as market conditions change, potentially closing out some legs of the trade or rolling the positions to different strike prices or expiration dates to maintain a favorable risk-reward profile.

Key Takeaways:

  • Time decay plays a critical role in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, with the short ATM puts usually decaying faster than the long ITM and OTM puts.
  • The strategy can benefit from time decay in a stagnant market but is vulnerable to significant price movements away from the short put strike prices.
  • Choosing shorter expiration dates and actively managing the position are effective ways to counter the adverse effects of time decay.

Volatility and Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

Navigating and Capitalizing on Volatility

Volatility is a pivotal factor in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy. It refers to the extent of price variation of the underlying asset over time. High volatility can significantly affect the strategy, both positively and negatively, depending on the direction and magnitude of price movements.

In a high volatility environment, the premiums of options, particularly ATM and ITM puts, tend to be higher. This can increase the cost of initiating the strategy but also heightens the potential for substantial price movements, which can be advantageous if they occur in the anticipated direction. Conversely, in low volatility scenarios, premiums are generally lower, making it cheaper to initiate the strategy but also reducing the likelihood of the stock price moving significantly.

Strategies for Navigating Volatility

Effective management of the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly in volatile markets involves a nuanced understanding of the underlying stock and market trends. One approach is to initiate the strategy when volatility is expected to decrease, which can benefit the sold ATM puts.

Another strategy is timing the trade around known events that could impact volatility, such as earnings reports or major economic announcements. By anticipating how such events might affect the stock price, traders can better position their strategy to capitalize on these movements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Volatility plays a crucial role in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, affecting option premiums and potential returns.
  • High volatility can increase the cost of the strategy but also offers the potential for more significant price movements.
  • Effective strategies include initiating the trade in anticipation of decreasing volatility and timing around major market events that could affect stock price movements.

The Greeks: Risk, Theta, Delta, Vega, Gamma, Rho in Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

In the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, understanding the 'Greeks' – key financial metrics that assess various risks in options trading – is crucial. These metrics aid traders in making informed decisions and effectively managing their positions.


Delta measures the sensitivity of the option's price to changes in the underlying stock's price. For the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, delta varies across the different legs. The ITM and OTM puts have a negative delta, while the ATM puts have a delta near zero. The overall delta of the strategy is usually negative, indicating that it may benefit from a decrease in the stock price.


Gamma represents the rate of change in delta. In the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy, gamma can be complex due to the different positions. Managing gamma is crucial, as it affects how quickly the strategy's risk profile changes with the stock price.


Theta is significant in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy. The short ATM puts typically have higher negative theta, meaning they lose value quicker over time, which can be beneficial if the stock price remains stagnant. However, the long positions also lose value due to time decay, albeit at a slower rate.


Vega measures the sensitivity to volatility. The Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy typically has a mixed vega profile. High volatility can increase the value of the long positions but also increases the risk of the short positions.


Rho is generally less significant in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly. It measures the sensitivity of the option's price to changes in interest rates. This strategy's rho is usually mixed due to the different positions.

Real-world Examples or Scenarios Illustrating the Greeks' Impact

In a scenario where the stock price decreases slightly, the negative delta of the ITM and OTM puts may lead to a profit, provided the decrease is not significant enough to adversely affect the short ATM puts. High gamma can quickly alter the risk profile, making active management essential. Theta works favorably in a stagnant market, but high volatility (vega) can increase risks, especially for the short positions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the Greeks is essential in managing the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy.
  • Delta indicates the strategy's overall negative sensitivity to stock price movements.
  • Gamma affects the rate of change in risk profile, while theta indicates the benefit of time decay in stagnant markets.
  • Vega's mixed impact in this strategy highlights the importance of volatility management.
  • Rho is less significant but contributes to the complexity of the strategy's risk assessment.

Pros and Cons of Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

Advantages of the Strategy

The Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy offers several advantages that make it attractive to certain options traders:

  • Limited Risk: One of the primary benefits is its limited downside risk. The maximum potential loss is known and capped, typically to the net premium paid or a small predefined amount, making it a more controlled strategy compared to those with unlimited risk.
  • Profit in Stagnant Markets: This strategy can yield profits even in a neutral or slightly bearish market, where other strategies might struggle. It's particularly useful in markets with low volatility and minimal price movement.
  • Flexibility in Market Conditions: The Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly can be adjusted for different market views and risk tolerances, offering flexibility to traders.
  • Reduced Cost of Entry: Compared to buying outright puts, this strategy often requires a lower initial investment, making it accessible for traders with limited capital.

Risks and Limitations

However, the strategy also comes with its own set of risks and limitations:

  • Complexity: The Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly is more complex than basic options strategies, making it potentially challenging for less experienced traders.
  • Limited Profit Potential: While the strategy limits risk, it also caps the maximum potential profit. In a market that moves significantly, it may underperform simpler strategies like long puts.
  • Impact of Volatility and Time Decay: The strategy's performance can be significantly impacted by changes in volatility and time decay, requiring careful management and timing.
  • Requirement for Precise Execution: Successful implementation demands precise execution in terms of selecting strike prices, managing the positions, and timing the entry and exit.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly offers limited risk, profitability in stagnant markets, flexibility, and reduced entry cost.
  • However, it is complex, has limited profit potential, and is sensitive to volatility and time decay.
  • The strategy also requires precise execution for successful implementation.

Tips for Trading Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

Practical Insights and Best Practices

Effective trading of the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy involves a blend of market insight and disciplined execution. Here are some best practices:

  • Thorough Market Analysis: Before initiating the strategy, conduct a detailed analysis of the underlying stock and overall market conditions. This includes understanding market trends, upcoming events, and the stock’s volatility profile.
  • Careful Option Selection: Choose the strike prices and expiration dates of the options wisely. The selections should align with your market view and the desired risk-reward balance.
  • Strategic Timing: Timing is key in options trading. Initiate the strategy when market conditions are most favorable, such as periods of expected low volatility or slight bearish trends.
  • Risk Management: Despite its built-in risk controls, it's important to manage the overall risk exposure. Consider the size of the position relative to your total portfolio and use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment: Given the strategy’s sensitivity to time decay and volatility, regular monitoring and potential adjustment of positions are essential. Be prepared to close or adjust positions as market conditions evolve.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Avoid these common pitfalls to enhance the success of your Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly trades:

  • Neglecting Time Decay Impact: Don’t underestimate the impact of time decay on your positions, especially as expiration nears.
  • Ignoring Market Changes: Stay alert to changes in market volatility and trends, as these can significantly affect the strategy’s performance.
  • Poor Position Sizing: Avoid allocating too much capital to any single trade. Diversification can help mitigate risk.
  • Overcomplicating the Strategy: While the strategy is complex, avoid unnecessary complications. Stick to your trading plan and execute it methodically.

Key Takeaways:

  • Conduct thorough market analysis and be strategic in option selection and timing.
  • Emphasize risk management and ongoing monitoring of positions.
  • Avoid common mistakes such as neglecting time decay, ignoring market changes, poor position sizing, and overcomplicating the strategy.

The Math Behind Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

Formulae and Calculations Explained

The mathematical aspect of the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly is essential for understanding and effectively executing the strategy. Key calculations include:

  • Option Premiums: Calculating the cost of each leg of the strategy, which is influenced by factors like underlying stock price, strike price, expiration date, and implied volatility.
  • Breakeven Points: Unlike simpler strategies, this strategy may have multiple breakeven points. These are determined based on the net premiums paid and the strike prices of the options involved.
  • Profit and Loss Calculations:
    • Profit: Profit is usually maximized when the stock price is at or near the strike price of the short ATM puts at expiration. It's calculated as the difference between the stock price and the nearest strike price, minus net premiums paid.
    • Loss: The maximum loss is limited to the net premium paid or a predefined amount, depending on how the strikes are spaced.
  • Greeks Analysis: Understanding how delta, gamma, theta, vega, and rho impact each leg of the strategy and the overall position.

Calculating Option Value and Breakeven

To illustrate, consider an Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly where a trader buys an ITM put at $100, sells two ATM puts at $95, and buys an OTM put at $90, with a net premium outlay of $3. The breakeven points would be calculated based on these strike prices and the net premium. The maximum profit and loss would be determined by the price of the underlying stock in relation to these strike prices at expiration, factoring in the net premium paid.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the math behind the strategy involves calculating option premiums, breakeven points, and profit/loss potential.
  • The strategy can have multiple breakeven points, dependent on the strike prices and net premiums.
  • Profit is usually maximized near the strike price of the short ATM puts, while the maximum loss is limited to the net premium paid.
  • An analysis of the Greeks is crucial for assessing the risk and potential of the strategy.

Case Study: Implementing Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly

Real-World Application and Analysis

Consider a case study where a trader, Alice, implements the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy. Alice anticipates that Stock XYZ, currently trading at $100, will experience minimal price movement over the next month. To capitalize on this market view, she initiates the strategy by setting up the following positions:

  • Buys an ITM put with a strike price of $105 for $12.
  • Sells two ATM puts with a strike price of $100 for $7 each.
  • Buys an OTM put with a strike price of $95 for $3.

The net premium paid is $1 ($12 - $14 + $3). Her maximum profit and loss are calculated based on these strike prices and the net premium paid.

Two weeks later, XYZ's stock price has moved slightly to $98. The value of the ITM and OTM puts increases, while the ATM puts decrease. Alice decides to close her position, resulting in a moderate profit, just below the maximum potential of the strategy.

Analysis of the Case Study with Unique Insights and Lessons

  • Market Research and Strategy Selection: Alice's choice of the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly was based on her correct prediction of the stock's stagnant price movement.
  • Strike Price and Expiration Date Selection: Her selection of strike prices and a short-term expiration date were key to aligning the strategy with her market outlook.
  • Risk Management: The maximum risk was limited to the net premium paid, showcasing the strategy's controlled risk aspect.
  • Timely Execution and Exit: Alice's decision to close the position when the stock showed slight movement reflects the importance of timing in maximizing profits while minimizing risks.
  • Flexibility and Responsiveness: Her active management of the position and response to market changes highlight the need for flexibility in options trading.

Key Takeaways:

  • This case study demonstrates the effective use of the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly in a market with minimal price movement.
  • Proper selection of strike prices, expiration date, and timely execution are crucial for success.
  • The strategy's controlled risk and ability to profit from stagnant market conditions are its key strengths.
  • Active management and responsiveness to market changes are essential in options trading strategies like the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly.

Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly FAQs

What is an Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly?

An Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly is an advanced options strategy involving three put options: one ITM, two ATM, and one OTM put, all with the same expiration date. This strategy is designed for neutral to slightly bearish markets and offers limited risk and profit potential.

When is the best time to use the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy?

The Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy is most effective in low volatility markets where slight bearish or stagnant price movements are expected. It's not ideal for strongly bullish or highly volatile markets.

What are the risks of the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly?

The primary risks of an Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly include the complexity of managing multiple option positions and the limited profit potential. Additionally, significant market movements away from the strike prices can negatively impact the strategy.

How do I choose the right strike prices and expiration dates for an Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly?

For an Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly, strike prices should align with your market outlook and risk tolerance. Choose an expiration date that gives the strategy enough time to work, balancing the impact of time decay and potential market movements.

Can I lose more money than I invest in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy?

No, the maximum loss for an Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly is capped and is usually limited to the net premium paid or a small predefined amount.

How does time decay (theta) affect the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy?

Time decay, particularly for the short ATM puts, can benefit the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy in a stagnant market but can also lead to losses if the market moves significantly.

What role does volatility (vega) play in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy?

Volatility can impact the premiums of the options involved in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly. Higher volatility can increase the cost and risk, while lower volatility can make the strategy more profitable.

Is delta important in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly?

Yes, delta is important in the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy as it helps understand how the option's value will change with the underlying stock price movements. The overall strategy typically has a negative delta.

Does the Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly strategy work well for all types of stocks?

The Inverse Put Broken Wing Butterfly works best for stocks where minimal price movement is expected. Stocks with high volatility or strong bullish trends might not be suitable for this strategy.