• Delta


  • Gamma


  • Theta


  • Vega


  • Rho


  • Volatility


Premium Paid

Max Profit

Max Loss

Profit Index

Probability of Profit

Break Even Prices

Reverse Jade Lizard

What is Reverse Jade Lizard?

Defining Reverse Jade Lizard

The Reverse Jade Lizard is an advanced options trading strategy, primarily used by traders who have a neutral to slightly bearish outlook on the underlying stock. This strategy involves selling a put option at a certain strike price and simultaneously selling a call spread (which is a combination of selling a call option and buying another call option at a higher strike price). The key aspect of the Reverse Jade Lizard is that it is designed to have no downside risk if executed correctly, apart from the risk of the underlying stock being put to the trader if it falls below the strike price of the sold put.

Historically, the Reverse Jade Lizard has its roots in traditional options strategies but stands out due to its unique risk profile. Developed to enhance the profitability of traders while controlling downside risks, it diverges from conventional strategies by offering a potentially wide profit range on the upside while eliminating downside risk, except for the possibility of stock assignment.

This strategy is distinct from standard options strategies like simple long calls or puts, as it combines elements of both bullish and bearish positions. It is more complex than single-legged strategies and requires a good understanding of options pricing and market movements.

Key Characteristics and Conditions

The Reverse Jade Lizard strategy is characterized by its unique risk-reward profile. The maximum profit is the total premium received from selling the put and the call spread. The maximum risk is theoretically unlimited due to the short call but is mitigated by the premium received. The strategy benefits when the underlying stock stays above the put strike price and below the call strike price.

Ideal market conditions for this strategy include a neutral to slightly bearish market outlook. The strategy thrives when volatility is relatively high, as this leads to higher premiums collected, enhancing potential profits. Key economic indicators, such as volatility indexes, can be instrumental in deciding when to employ the Reverse Jade Lizard.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Reverse Jade Lizard combines selling a put and a call spread, designed for neutral to slightly bearish market views.
  • It offers a unique risk-reward balance, with no downside risk apart from potential stock assignment.
  • Best suited in high volatility environments, providing higher premium income and thus greater profit potential.

Steps for Trading Reverse Jade Lizard

Preparing for Trade

Before engaging in the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy, it’s imperative to conduct a comprehensive market analysis and choose an appropriate trading platform. A platform that offers detailed options chains, real-time market data, and advanced analytical tools is ideal. Understanding the behavior of the underlying stock and its volatility patterns is crucial. Traders should be familiar with the historical performance, recent news, and any upcoming events that could significantly impact the stock's price.

Selecting the Right Options

When constructing a Reverse Jade Lizard, selecting the appropriate strike prices and expiration dates is vital. The sold put should be out-of-the-money (OTM), and the call spread should also consist of OTM options. The distance between the strike prices of the call options in the spread will determine the risk and potential profit of the trade. The choice of expiration dates depends on the trader’s market outlook and risk tolerance. Generally, shorter-term options are chosen to benefit from time decay, but this requires precise timing and market predictions.

Scenario-based analysis is essential to visualize different outcomes based on varying market conditions. Traders should consider how changes in market sentiment, volatility, and underlying stock price movements could affect their positions.

Order Placement and Execution

Executing a Reverse Jade Lizard involves placing multiple orders – selling a put and two calls (one sold and one bought). Timing is critical, and traders should enter the position when the market conditions align with their analysis, particularly volatility levels. It’s important to set limit orders to control entry prices. The orders should be monitored closely, and traders must be prepared to adjust or exit the trade if market conditions change unfavorably.

Key Takeaways:

  • Thorough market analysis and the right trading platform are crucial for preparing to trade the Reverse Jade Lizard.
  • Selecting the right options involves choosing appropriate strike prices and expiration dates, considering market scenarios.
  • Precise timing for order placement is key, with limit orders recommended to control entry costs and manage risks.

Goal and Financial Objectives of Reverse Jade Lizard

Financial Objectives and Strategic Goals

The primary financial objective of employing the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy is to maximize income while managing downside risk. This strategy is designed for traders who anticipate that the underlying stock will remain relatively stable or decline moderately. The main goal is to collect the premium from the options, which represents the maximum profit potential. The strategy is particularly attractive because it offers a way to generate income in a flat or slightly bearish market while mitigating the risk of a significant downward move.

In comparison to other trading strategies, the Reverse Jade Lizard is unique due to its asymmetric risk profile. Unlike strategies that require a strong directional move in the stock (either up or down), this strategy can be profitable even if the stock remains stagnant or moves slightly down. It also offers a degree of protection against downside risk, which is not typically found in simple bullish strategies.

Breakeven Analysis and Profitability

The breakeven point for a Reverse Jade Lizard depends on the premiums received and the strike prices of the options involved. The breakeven on the upside is the higher strike price of the call spread plus the net premium received. On the downside, it's the strike price of the sold put minus the premium received. The trade remains profitable as long as the stock stays within these two breakeven points at expiration.

The profitability of the Reverse Jade Lizard is capped at the premium received from selling the options. The risk, while mitigated on the downside, can be significant on the upside due to the sold call. However, the premium income received upfront provides a cushion against minor adverse moves in the stock.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Reverse Jade Lizard targets income generation in stable or slightly bearish markets, with controlled downside risk.
  • Its profitability hinges on premium collection, with a unique asymmetric risk profile compared to other strategies.
  • Breakeven points are defined by the strike prices and the net premium received, with profits capped at the premium amount.

Effect of Time on Reverse Jade Lizard

Time Decay and Strategy Performance

Time decay, or theta, plays a significant role in the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy. Since the strategy involves selling options, time decay works in the trader’s favor. As the expiration date approaches, the value of the options (especially the short positions) decreases, provided the stock price does not move significantly. This decay accelerates as the options get closer to their expiration date, potentially increasing the profitability of the strategy if other market conditions remain stable.

However, the impact of time decay varies between the different legs of the strategy. The sold put and the sold call in the call spread are positively impacted by time decay, while the bought call in the spread is negatively affected. Balancing these effects is key to maximizing the benefits of time decay in this strategy.

Strategies to Counter Time Decay

To optimize the effects of time decay in the Reverse Jade Lizard, traders should consider the following strategies:

  • Choosing Expiration Dates: Selecting shorter-term options can enhance the positive impact of time decay on the sold options. However, this requires accurate timing and market prediction.
  • Active Management: Monitoring the positions actively and being ready to adjust or close the trade based on market movements and time decay impacts is crucial.
  • Rolling Options: In some cases, traders might roll their positions to a further expiration date if the initial market thesis remains valid but requires more time to materialize.

Key Takeaways:

  • Time decay is a crucial factor in the Reverse Jade Lizard, generally benefiting the strategy as it involves selling options.
  • The effect of time decay varies among the different components of the strategy and needs careful management.
  • Strategies to optimize time decay include selecting appropriate expiration dates, active management, and potentially rolling options.

Volatility and Reverse Jade Lizard

Navigating and Capitalizing on Volatility

Volatility is a pivotal element in the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy. Since the strategy involves selling options, higher volatility can be beneficial as it typically leads to increased premiums, offering greater income potential. The reverse Jade Lizard is particularly attractive in high volatility environments because the higher premiums can provide a larger cushion against stock price movements.

However, high volatility also implies greater uncertainty in the stock's price movement, which can increase the risk, especially for the naked call part of the strategy. Traders need to understand and navigate these volatility dynamics carefully to maximize the strategy's effectiveness.

Strategies for Navigating Volatility

Successful trading of the Reverse Jade Lizard in volatile markets involves several strategic considerations:

  • Premiums vs. Risk: In high volatility environments, premiums are higher, but so is the risk. Traders should balance the potential income from premiums against the likelihood of adverse price movements.
  • Market Analysis: Continuous monitoring of market trends and volatility indicators is crucial. Traders should be aware of upcoming events or news that could impact the stock’s volatility.
  • Adjustment Strategies: In cases of unexpected high volatility, traders may need to adjust their positions, either by rolling out the options to different strike prices or expiration dates or by closing the position early to manage risk.

Key Takeaways:

  • High volatility generally benefits the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy due to higher premiums.
  • Traders must balance the increased income potential against the heightened risk in volatile markets.
  • Effective strategies include thorough market analysis and potential adjustments to the option positions in response to volatility changes.

The Greeks: Risk, Theta, Delta, Vega, Gamma, Rho in Reverse Jade Lizard

Understanding the 'Greeks' is vital for effectively managing the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy, as they provide insights into various risk factors associated with options trading.


Delta measures the sensitivity of the option's price to changes in the underlying stock's price. For the Reverse Jade Lizard, the net delta can vary depending on the relative positioning of the put and the call spread. A neutral to slightly negative delta is typically preferred, aligning with the strategy's slightly bearish outlook.


Gamma reflects the rate of change in delta. The Reverse Jade Lizard strategy may have a negative gamma due to the sold options, meaning the position's delta will become more negative as the stock price falls, which could be risky in a rapidly declining market.


Representing time decay, theta is generally positive in this strategy due to the net short options position. This means the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy benefits as time passes, provided the stock price doesn't move adversely.


Vega measures sensitivity to volatility. The Reverse Jade Lizard has a negative vega because the strategy involves net short options. This implies that the strategy benefits from a decrease in volatility after the trade is placed.


Rho indicates the sensitivity of the option’s price to changes in interest rates. However, it is usually less significant in the Reverse Jade Lizard compared to other Greeks.

Real-world Examples or Scenarios Illustrating the Greeks' Impact

Consider a scenario where a trader initiates a Reverse Jade Lizard position when the stock is slightly bearish. If the stock remains stable or declines slightly, the negative delta works favorably. However, if the stock drops sharply, the negative gamma could increase the position's sensitivity to further declines. Over time, positive theta would contribute to profitability, assuming the stock's price doesn't move significantly. A decrease in volatility post-trade initiation (negative vega) would also favor the strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Delta, gamma, theta, vega, and rho are crucial in understanding and managing the Reverse Jade Lizard.
  • The strategy often involves a neutral to slightly negative delta, positive theta, negative vega, and negative gamma.
  • Traders must carefully monitor these Greeks and adjust their strategy in response to changes in market conditions.

Pros and Cons of Reverse Jade Lizard

Advantages of the Strategy

The Reverse Jade Lizard strategy comes with several advantages, making it an appealing choice for certain market conditions:

  • Limited Downside Risk: One of the key benefits is the limited downside risk. If the strategy is structured properly, the premium collected from selling the call spread and the put can offset any losses if the stock falls below the put strike price.
  • Premium Collection: The strategy allows traders to collect premiums upfront, which can be profitable even if the stock remains stagnant or moves slightly downwards.
  • Flexibility: The Reverse Jade Lizard offers flexibility in terms of strike price and expiration date selection, allowing traders to tailor the strategy to their market outlook and risk tolerance.
  • Beneficial in Various Market Conditions: This strategy can be advantageous in neutral to slightly bearish markets, making it a versatile tool in a trader's arsenal.

Risks and Limitations

Despite its benefits, the Reverse Jade Lizard also carries certain risks and limitations:

  • Unlimited Upside Risk: The major risk lies on the upside due to the short call. If the stock rises significantly, the losses can be substantial.
  • Complexity: This strategy is more complex compared to basic options strategies, requiring a thorough understanding of options trading, risk management, and market analysis.
  • Requirement for Active Management: The Reverse Jade Lizard often requires active monitoring and potential adjustments, making it less suitable for passive traders.
  • Dependence on Volatility and Stock Movement: The strategy's success is partly dependent on correct predictions about volatility and stock price movements, which can be unpredictable.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Reverse Jade Lizard offers limited downside risk, premium collection, flexibility, and suitability in various market conditions.
  • However, it involves unlimited upside risk, complexity, the need for active management, and dependence on accurate market predictions.

Tips for Trading Reverse Jade Lizard

Practical Insights and Best Practices

To enhance the effectiveness of the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy, traders should consider the following best practices:

  • Comprehensive Market Analysis: Before initiating a trade, it's essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the underlying stock, including its volatility, historical performance, and any upcoming events that could impact its price.
  • Strategic Option Selection: Carefully select the strike prices and expiration dates of the options. Consider the overall market sentiment and your risk tolerance when making these choices.
  • Consideration of Entry Timing: The timing of trade entry is crucial. Look for market conditions that favor the strategy, such as increased volatility or a stable to slightly bearish outlook on the stock.
  • Risk Management: Allocate only a portion of your portfolio to this strategy. It's important to diversify your investments to reduce the impact of potential losses.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Given the complexity and risks associated with the strategy, continuous monitoring and the readiness to make adjustments are essential.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Common pitfalls in the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy can significantly impact its success. To avoid these, traders should:

  • Avoid Mispricing Options: Be cautious about the premiums. Overvalued options can lead to losses, especially if the market moves against your position.
  • Be Wary of Overconfidence: Given the strategy's complexity, overconfidence can lead to misjudgments. Always double-check your analysis and be prepared for unexpected market movements.
  • Understand the Implications of High Volatility: High volatility can increase premiums but also the risk. Understand how it impacts the strategy before entering a trade.
  • Have an Exit Strategy: Define your exit criteria before entering the trade. Decide under what conditions you will take profits or cut losses.

Key Takeaways:

  • Implementing the Reverse Jade Lizard effectively requires thorough market analysis, strategic option selection, careful timing, and robust risk management.
  • Avoid common mistakes such as mispricing options, overconfidence, misunderstanding volatility impacts, and lacking a clear exit strategy.

The Math Behind Reverse Jade Lizard

Formulae and Calculations Explained

Understanding the mathematics is key to successfully implementing the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy. The core calculations involve:

  • Option Premium: This is the income received from selling the options. It's influenced by factors such as the underlying stock's price, strike prices, time to expiration, and volatility.
  • Breakeven Points: There are two breakeven points to consider:
    • On the upside, the breakeven is the higher strike price of the call spread plus the net premium received.
    • On the downside, it's the strike price of the sold put minus the net premium received.
  • Profit and Loss Calculations:
    • Profit: Maximum profit is capped at the net premium received. It's realized when the stock price stays between the strike price of the sold put and the lower strike price of the call spread at expiration.
    • Loss: On the upside, the loss can be significant if the stock rises above the breakeven point of the call spread. On the downside, the risk is limited to the difference between the strike price of the put and the net premium, if the stock falls below the put strike price.

Calculating Option Value and Breakeven

For instance, if a trader sells a put at $50, and a call spread with strike prices at $60 and $65, receiving a total premium of $5, the breakeven points are:

  • On the upside: $65 (higher call strike) + $5 (premium) = $70.
  • On the downside: $50 (put strike) - $5 (premium) = $45. The maximum profit is $5 (the net premium), and the maximum risk is variable depending on the stock's price movement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Key calculations in the Reverse Jade Lizard include the option premium, breakeven points, and profit/loss potential.
  • The breakeven points are determined by the strike prices and the net premium received.
  • Understanding these calculations is essential for effective strategy implementation and risk management.

Case Study: Implementing Reverse Jade Lizard

Real-World Application and Analysis

Let's examine a practical scenario where a trader implements the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy. Assume a trader has a neutral to slightly bearish outlook on Company XYZ, currently trading at $100. Expecting limited stock movement, the trader decides to implement the Reverse Jade Lizard by:

  • Selling a Put: The trader sells an OTM put option with a strike price of $95, receiving a premium of $3.
  • Selling a Call Spread: Simultaneously, the trader sells a call option at a $105 strike price for a $4 premium and buys a call option at a $110 strike price for a $1 premium.

The total premium collected is $6 ($3 from the put and $3 net from the call spread). The trader's profit is maximized if XYZ stays between $95 and $105.

Analysis of the Case Study with Unique Insights and Lessons

  • Market Research and Timing: The trader's decision was based on a thorough analysis of Company XYZ, including its market environment and potential price-moving events.
  • Strike Price Selection: Choosing the $95 and $105/$110 strikes for the put and call spread aligns with the neutral to bearish outlook. It gives a cushion for the stock to move without incurring losses.
  • Risk Management: The primary risk is if XYZ rises above $110, in which case losses could mount quickly. However, the collected premium provides some buffer.
  • Outcome: If XYZ stays between $95 and $105, the options expire worthless, and the trader keeps the $6 premium. If it falls below $95, the put assignment might occur, and if it goes above $110, the call spread will result in losses exceeding the premium.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Reverse Jade Lizard in this case was effectively used based on a neutral to slightly bearish outlook, with careful strike selection.
  • Premium collection provided a cushion against moderate stock movements.
  • The case highlights the importance of market research, timing, and risk management in executing this strategy.

Reverse Jade Lizard FAQs

What is a Reverse Jade Lizard?

The Reverse Jade Lizard is an options trading strategy combining a short put and a short call spread (a short call and a long call at a higher strike price). It's designed for neutral to slightly bearish market views and aims to profit from premium collection while managing downside risk.

When is the best time to use a Reverse Jade Lizard?

The Reverse Jade Lizard strategy is ideal in market conditions where there's high volatility and the outlook on the underlying stock is neutral to slightly bearish. It's most effective when the trader expects limited movement in the stock price.

What are the risks of a Reverse Jade Lizard?

The primary risk of a Reverse Jade Lizard is on the upside due to the short call. If the stock price rises significantly above the higher call strike price, the losses can be substantial. On the downside, the risk is limited to the difference between the put strike price and the net premium received.

How do I select the right options for a Reverse Jade Lizard?

For a Reverse Jade Lizard, choose strike prices based on your market outlook and risk tolerance. The put should be out-of-the-money (OTM), and the call spread should consist of OTM options. Also, consider the expiration dates, balancing the premium income with potential market movements.

Can I lose more money than I invest in a Reverse Jade Lizard?

Yes, on the upside, since the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy involves a short call, the potential loss can exceed the initial premium received if the stock price rises sharply above the higher call strike price.

How does time decay (theta) affect a Reverse Jade Lizard?

Time decay, or theta, is generally beneficial in a Reverse Jade Lizard as it involves selling options. The value of these options decreases as they approach expiration, which can lead to profits if the stock price remains within the desired range.

What role does volatility (vega) play in the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy?

Higher volatility typically increases the premiums received from selling the options, which can enhance the profitability of the Reverse Jade Lizard strategy. However, it also implies greater uncertainty in price movements, particularly affecting the short call.

How important is delta in a Reverse Jade Lizard?

Delta is crucial in understanding how the option’s value changes with the stock price. A well-structured Reverse Jade Lizard will have a delta that aligns with the trader's market outlook (neutral to slightly bearish).

Is the Reverse Jade Lizard suitable for all types of stocks?

The Reverse Jade Lizard strategy is most effective for stocks with moderate volatility. Stocks with very low volatility may not provide sufficient premium income, and highly volatile stocks can increase the risk, particularly on the upside.