Why Should Traders Care about Options Flow?

InsiderFinance filter identifying smart money options flow trades from raw data

Smart Money is the group of key players that control the market, accounting for over 70% of total trade volume.

They’re the hedge funds, proprietary trading firms, institutional banks, and billionaires that set the tone for the rest of the market.

This group of Wall Street insiders uses their considerable resources to legally identify market-moving information before the rest of us, giving them a significant information advantage over the average investor (you and me).

Because their information advantage makes it much harder for them to lose, they can confidently take large positions in highly-leveraged options trades and multiply their profits.

Historically, this information advantage allowed smart money to outperform retail traders by a wide margin.

This is where having the right tools can make all the difference.

Identifying these large positions made with high conviction gives investors like you and me the same advantage as smart money without spending millions on the same massive resources.

That’s exactly what we'll show you on InsiderFinance.

We figured out how to expose the high-probability options order flow and Unusual Options Activity that smart money is confidently trading to multiply their profits so you can trade alongside smart money into the hottest options trades on Wall Street.

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