Getting Started with InsiderFinance

byInsiderFinance Teamon
Overview of InsiderFinance features for market sentiment and trade analysis

Welcome to InsiderFinance! We’re incredibly excited to help your trade account grow exponentially.

Our mission is to give you the information advantage you need to even the odds with Wall Street.

We want to start by walking through the details of what you’ll receive on a daily basis and help you understand how to use the service better.

Using InsiderFinance is easy with our comprehensive resources:

Real-Time Dashboard

You'll automatically be able to access the dashboard by logging into your account or following the instructions below:

  1. Log in to your account or navigate to
  2. If prompted, verify your email address and refresh the page once you click the link
  3. Sign the Electronic Agreement required to access live data
  4. If you're not automatically redirected to the dashboard, click the dashboard button from your account page or navigate to
  5. Enjoy!​

Technical Analysis System

Included with your subscription is our proprietary technical analysis system built on TradingView! Take the guesswork out of reading charts with automated analysis so you can trade confidently.

Use this link to gain access in a few quick steps.

Real-Time Options Flow Snapshots

Real-time snapshots are delivered three times per trading day (delivery options below) with the same intelligence at the most actionable times (in Eastern Time):

  • 11 am: Morning Momentum
  • 2 pm: Mid-day Movers
  • 5 pm: Daily Recap

On Saturday around 11 am, you’ll also receive our Weekly Recap.

We offer three ways to view our actionable snapshots:

Our Discord server provides a mobile-friendly, reliable way to receive our actionable snapshots without cluttering your inbox.

The Discord is read-only for now, and we'll continue to funnel actionable intelligence through it over time.

Because we offer a few ways to receive our snapshots, emall is disabled by default as we don't want to overwhelm you with snapshots from multiple sources.

Please feel free to enable it in your settings if that's your preferred delivery method.

The image below shows you where to enable the email alerts and join the Discord server on the settings page.

Join Discord and enable email alerts through the settings page

Additional Resources

We also want to help you understand how to use the service. We encourage you to visit our Resource Library to help you learn how to identify and trade alongside the highest potential Smart Money trades.

We also share high-quality resources from our content partners that will help you master our service.

Be sure to check out our Top Tickers page or filter the dashboard for trades that fit your style. Don't apply too many filters though or you may not see any trades!

Know other traders that could benefit from InsiderFinance? Sign up for our generous affiliate program so you can earn recurring monthly income by telling your friends or trade community about InsiderFinance.

Finally, please tell us how we can make InsiderFinance better for you with our 5-question, 2-minute survey. Your feedback will shape the future of InsiderFinance and ensure we're building the best tools to improve your returns.

We're confident that if you take the time to learn the service and use the information we provide, you'll be able to earn your subscription multiple times over.


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